Treat Braden wasn’t affected by anyone or anything until Max Armstrong, the cool, efficient event planner he had first met and quickly offended. Now, six months later, she still wasn’t out of his mind, and he would do anything to get into his good graces. But Max won’t have anything to do with him. Wary of men as it is after being severely hurt by her last serious boyfriend, the slight from Treat might keep her from ever getting close to him, no matter how much they both want it.
This is the first Melissa Foster book I’ve read, even though she’s been highly recommended to me by many readers, and she has not disappointed. I thought it was a really cute love story. I liked how Max was a strong character but at the same time she was innocent and someone Treat needed to protect. The twist with her ex-boyfriend was unexpected, but I definitely liked that, because it showed that even the villains in the story were not two-dimensional. And even though this wasn’t a PG story, it didn’t rely on sex scenes to make it worth reading, like a lot of romances (even those not listed in erotica) do. It’s definitely a love story worth reading about, and I can’t wait to read the next story in The Bradens series.
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