This is a guest post from Ellen Mint, author of Fever. It’s a character interview with Fever‘s love interest, Alistair, and it’s hilarious.
Thank you so much, Ellen!
Today we will be interviewing the hero from Ellen Mint’s newest romantic-suspense book, Fever.
Let’s start off with an easy question. What’s your name?
Alistair. Er, Alistair Young. There’s a Captain in there too, when I remember.
Tell us a bit about yourself.
Wow, okay. Right at the… Um, as I said before I’m a Captain with a special task force. At the moment we’re helping to vaccinate kids in Ivostan.
Sounds interesting.
Sure, if you like finding sand in every crevice of your body. I had no idea how many cracks I had until getting over here. And, uh, the kids are fun. Got to play football a few times with them. They always win, of course.
What’s that accent you have?
You noticed? I keep forgetting about it. Probably because I have to listen to it day in and day out. Loses a bit of the mystery when…right. There’s one part Scot to two parts stuffy Londoner and a touch of Yorkshire. A bit of mess from me growing up everywhere.
So, you’re…?
Scottish. Technically. Though, you’re gonna have to buy me a few lagers if you wanna see me in a kilt.
What’s your idea of a perfect date?
April twenty…going off that roll of your eyes someone’s already tried that. Okay. Well, we’d start off at some so old the wallpaper’s leftover from the Tudor reign pub. Split an order of chips while trying every naughty named drink on the menu. First to crack up has to get the next round. After that, I’d whisk her off on a paddle boat. Nothing goes better with fruity drinks and greasy food like vigorous exercise, right? If she got tired, she could sit in my lap while I did all the peddling. Best part about driving around a boat, no worries if you stop for a bit of snogging. Worse you have to worry about is running over a duck.
After that it gets, well, a lot less PG. Don’t want to kiss and tell and all.
Come on, not even a hint?
You’re giving me just enough rope, aren’t you? Okay okay, all I’ll say is I’ve gotten a lot of lip and tongue training over the years. Am I blushing? You’re not going to write that down, right?
Just a few more questions. What are you looking for…?
In a girlfriend?
Or life. Work. Anything such as that.
And I leapt straight off to ‘snogsville’ without a second thought. I swear, I’m not that pathetic of a lonely sad sack. 60/40. Let’s see. You know that feeling when you’re a kid, and you’ve been aching to see a movie for what feels like years? Got a countdown to when it drops. Ripping off pages on the calendar, decked your binders out in promo-stickers. Then, it’s suddenly there, the hours counting down to minutes and seconds. You sitting in that sticky seat, eyes filling wide with wonder as the screen fades from black and all that anticipation transforms into pure joy.
That’s what I want. To just once have all that hope answered with someone, er something amazing.
Thank you so much. For a final question, an easy one. What’s your favorite color?
Blue. No yellow!
About the Author
Ellen Mint adores the adorkable heroes who charm with their shy smiles and heroines that pack a punch. She recently won the Top Ten Handmaid’s Challenge on Wattpad where hers was chosen by Margaret Atwood herself. Along with her husband and black lab, she spends a lot of time with her skeletons — don’t worry, they’re just Halloween props.