LQ: Tell me a little bit about yourself.
RR: I always wanted to be a writer. I’ve written poems and stories since I was old enough to remember. I live in a seaside town in the north of England with my husband and our three children, two dogs and two cats. I’m so lucky to have a very supportive family. I’ve always said that I will write a book one day.
My kids are getting older now, so I figured it’s now or never. I started writing my Adult Romance, Broken, two years ago. I’m currently querying it.
I wrote a Christmas novella before Christmas 2019 which I self-published on Amazon called A Sprinkle of Love.
I then decided to try my hand at erotica. My story Red Haze won a competition on Valentine’s Day, which led me to be offered an author residency with a publishing company called Berlinable. I write at least one story per month for them. My latest short Brats Heart should be out very soon.
I went on to publish my own short story, Breaking Reeva, which is available now from Amazon.
LQ: What does your writing process look like?
RR: I have a very unique process. I think I’m a bit strange lol.
My characters arrive in my head fully formed with lives and personalities.
They tell me their story and I write it down.
I would say I’m more of a scribe for them.
I don’t generally plot. I just dive in and hope for the best. I trust my characters. They know the story better than I do.
So the first draft is usually them telling the story and believe me when I say sometimes even I’m shocked by what’s happening.
The second draft I will add more depth, more emotions, generally tighten it up.
Then I’ll read through, then edit, then beta readers. I’m lucky, my husband and my closet friends read my words chapter by chapter, they will tell me if something is off or not working. I trust their opinion
LQ: What was your favorite book to write so far?
RR: My favourite book to write is probably my current WIP
The character is a Dominant Male and he is very demanding. He only shows me the story so far ahead. It’s like writing blind. I feel like my head isn’t my own, but it’s challenging and really good fun.
LQ: Who is your favorite character to write about?
RR: My favourite character to write about would be Jay in my novel Broken.
He is a rockstar from Texas and I love being in his narrative. He’s complicated but sweet and heavily influenced by my two favourite celebrities. Ian somerhalder and Adam Levine. So that is always fun. I don’t mind having them in my head haha.
LQ: Who are your favorite authors? Have any of them influenced your work?
RR: My fave author is Stephanie Meyer.
She has influenced my writing massively.
I love her imagery and feeling and I try to incorporate a similar style in my own writing.
If I’m having a day where I don’t feel like I can do it, I will pick up Twilight and it always inspires me,
reminds me why I do what I do. It
makes me believe in my self.
LQ: How are you doing during the current pandemic?
RR: It’s tough. I’m writing a lot. Which isn’t a bad thing, but being couped up is definitely taking its toll on everyone in the house. But we’re spending a lot of time together as a family which is nice. It makes you appreciate the little things that you take for granted.
LQ: What are you currently working on?
RR: I’m currently working on the first book in a series
It will be called Captivated. The submission of Maizey Randall series.
I’m very excited to share these wonderful characters with my readers.
It should be ready hopefully in the next month. I will be regularly updating my Twitter profile.
LQ: Anything else you would like to share?
RR: You can all find me on Facebook/Instagram and Goodreads .
Or my main platform @AuthorRidge on Twitter.
Thank you for taking the time to interview me.