LQ: Tell me a little bit about yourself.
RS: I’m a new author. I just self-published my first book in March. I’ve been a journalist for the past five years, on and off, and have always wanted to write a book. I’m from California and because I know my city best, most of my ideas end up revolving around the state.
LQ: What does your writing process look like?
RS: I love romance and suspense. I blend the two together. There is always a relationship of sorts in my work and the story is interwoven with it. The idea for what I want to write is the first thing I tend to develop. Once I know what I want to write about, I create all of the main characters and get my end game written down. I like to jump in and start the story up after I’ve done some research and as the story progresses it takes on a life of its own. The character building and painting of a mental picture are my favorite things to create during my writing process.
LQ: What was your favorite book to write so far?
RS: I’ve only completely written one book so far, but there are at least two more coming in the series. I enjoy it a lot. It has a lot of sass, some romance, and comedy, but my favorite part is the suspense/mystery that is tied into it.
LQ: Who is your favorite character to write about?
RS: Out of the all the characters I’ve written so far, I probably identify with the journalist I’m currently writing about. She’s very determined and doesn’t like it when people give her the run-around. She’s dealt with a lot in her life and it’s part of the reason she doesn’t take anyone’s crap.
She’s engaged to a detective and although they have a strong bond, their relationship is tested and she almost regrets a few of her decisions. She has a big heart and just wants to do what’s right, even if it seems wrong.
LQ: Who are your favorite authors? Have any of them influenced your work?
RS: I wonder about who my favorites are a lot. I know that Stephen King, James Patterson, Alice Sebold, and Veronica Roth are at the top of the list, but Max Brooks and Angie Thomas are wonderful authors who stole the top spots in recent years.
LQ: How are you doing during the current pandemic?
RS: I’m doing okay during this pandemic. I’ve been predominantly in the house since December, so the stay-at-home order didn’t bother me too much. It sucks to know I can’t go somewhere if I want, but safety is more important than a trip to the movies or a hike. It’ll be okay eventually and hopefully not too many more lives will be lost.
LQ: What are you currently working on?
RS: I’m working on the first book of another series that will have three total books and I have the skeleton for the third series in my book bank.
LQ: Anything else you would like to share?
RS: Writing seems super hard for some and extremely easy for others, but no matter what way it’s done, just get it done. It’s a great stress reliever and it’s wonderful to see your work or a friend’s work published, whether it’s self-publishing or through a publication.